Film review for Hatchet 3 (2013) (Decker Shado)

Hatchet 3 is the horror film of 2013 in the Hatchet series. It is a story about Victor Crowley, his murderous rampage through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder portrays Victor Crowley while Brian Quinn plays Deputy Winslow. Rileah Vanbilt plays Misty.

The use of special effects is the primary feature of the film. Hatchet 3 uses a lot less CG effects than other horror films. This allows some truly frightening moments to be captured in the movie.

Kane Hodder is a standout among the cast and is a formidable villain. It's like a slasher film from the 1980s and the dialogue is a bit too tongue-in-cheek and campy. Additionally, there are some genuinely funny moments throughout, which provide a comical contrast against all (click now to read blog) of the gut-wrenching action on screen.

The budget for the film was limited to $1 million. That means a lot of locations featured in the film are repeated from previous films. A boat house is featured twice and most of the scenes feel like they're like a rerun of other films. The Hatchet and Hatchet 2 films may feel like the film is familiar.

Overall, Hatchet 3 was a good series. There was plenty of gory thrills, and there were some great performances from the actors.

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